Monday, May 2, 2011

Simple Things

We should take a lesson from our kids....we spend so much money on toys, presents, and they find more joy in playing with the empty boxes.

Do you take time out to enjoy the simple things in life?

I find that with Fibro, the time I have where I am able to do tasks, activities, daily life, I take it and try to complete as much as possible in the short period of time.  The time I am relaxing I am trying to not concentrate on the pain, and the relaxing is more out of necessity not want.

Maybe it is because I have been feeling better, or maybe it is because I just had an epiphany, but I realized that the simple things I forgot.  I sat down in a comfy chair, with a book and a cup of tea and for 15mins I read.  Something so simple, but relaxed me more than sitting on the couch watching tv.  Now I carry a book around with me everywhere, whether it is waiting in a car, or for an appointment, I read my book and I get those few minutes of peace. 

Do you take advantage of the simple things?  Think of what you used to do, the little things and see if you can incorporate it into your life.

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