Saturday, July 23, 2011

I Did It My Way

I went to my doctors this week. 

He walked in and the same questions came out that always starts our visits;

"Hows the Fibro doing?"

I was actually able to say "Great". 

My Doctor looked at me and was shocked.  He asked "Really What Are You Doing?"

I told him, diet, exercise, and just taking it day by day.  No more drugs, which meant no more side effects, increased fatigue, all those nice things. 

His response

"You did what 95% of Fibro sufferers do not do, and that is do it the natural way, which is the most effective"

Okay, I remember you telling me exercise would help.  However, I also remember  you writing the tens of prescriptions, offering me narcotics, and then saying exercise, if I can manage it,  on top of that.  I was dumbfounded.

I Did It My Way.  I found out what worked for me, and it is working. 

Thursday, July 14, 2011


I was speaking with my mother today.  Nothing like a mothers wisdom, I wonder when the wisdom will reach me. 

We were talking about support groups, and how you have to kind of censor yourself while in the group.  I realized I have been censoring myself with my blog.  I am trying to be so correct, and take everyone's feelings into consideration, that I am not saying what I truly want to say.

I absolutely despise when others censor themselves with me, or sugar coat it, so why would I do it in my blog.

From now on, it is exactly what I want to say.

My Idea

I mentioned recently that I had an idea.  Rare, but yes I had an idea.

My idea, what was it?

A person live 48 hours in my shoes.  Simulate as close as possible living with Fibromyalgia.

My mom, agreed to do an experiment, without knowing exactly what the experiment is.  After I explained it to her, she said as long as I do not make her get sick to her stomach she is up for it.  Brave woman. 

The key now, is to figure out what to simulate the key aspects of Fibro. 

Any suggestions, symptoms that you would like to see simulated, or thoughts, are welcomed.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Simple Things Are Sometimes The Hardest

We make things more complicated.  Simple as that.

Especially when you are living with Fibro or chronic pain, there are more things to consider, worry about and you seem to over think, over compensate, and it makes it more complicated than it seems, and makes us less likely to do anything.

10 errands, 10 simple tasks to a normal person, is more along the lines of 100 for you or I.  Grocery Shopping, Making 3 Meals A Day, Laundry, Cleaning, Paying Bills, Showering and Getting Ready Is A Chore For US, and then if you have WORK, you are ready to collapse by 9am.

Then we are constantly worrying, thinking HOW ARE WE GOING TO FIND THE ENERGY, when am I going to have time, and then if you don't do them, the guilt is unbelievable.

Why?  Why think about it? 

Is there anything that important that you must do it today?  If so do that one thing and say F" It to the rest (except work).

I found the key, is to stop worrying, and stop over thinking.  Stop caring about what other people say and just do what you can.  If you accomplish work, and making homemade meals YOU ROCK.  If you do another thing, you are AMAZING, if you have a fantastic day SUPERWOMAN.

If anyone has anything to say about it, tell them where to go. 

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

I Have An Idea

A light bulb appeared over my head.  I have an idea!

Will share more later.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Just One Day

I have always said that I would not wish Fibro, or Chronic Pain on my worst enemy.  At times, I do question myself.

It is not with strangers, it is with family, friends, co workers, or any other person who is in my life on a consistent basis.  On a daily basis I have someone telling me how I can feel better, improve my life, a new vitamin, trying to sympathize, or try to tell me that it really can't be that bad.  I am in a much better place now, than I was a year ago.

I understand that it is coming from a good place.  I try to remember that, some days are harder than others.  Sometimes, and it is rare, the thought crosses my mind, "What would you do if you had to live with it for one day?".   Today that thought crossed my mind.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Support Groups

I have had the great pleasure of speaking with a few support groups that are not Canadian based. 

It seems that some support groups, not all, have taken the attitude that I am trying to adopt.  What is this attitude?  Stop the complaining, Get up and GO!

Groups do activities, bike rides, raise money and awareness for Fibromyalgia on an ongoing, daily basis. 

I am aware that there are a few groups in Canada and even fewer in my surrounding area that does bring awareness to our wonderful symptom, disease, syndrome, whatever you would like to call it.  However, I have contacted no fewer than 21 support groups in the immediate area, general area, and a distance of 100km surrounding the city I live in.  I have contacted over 50 across Ontario, and 100 across Canada.  Not one support group, has a group specifically designated for the individuals in our support system, and about a handful across Canada have an exercise based group.  None of these in Ontario.  I could have just contacted the wrong ones, I am sure I did not contact them all. 

Every support group was welcoming and suggested that I do come to a meeting, to sit, discuss how I feel, and to gather more information.  I appreciate every offer.  However, I am tired of discussing how I feel, I am tired of researching what is happening to my body, unless you have new research that has a sliver of hope that leads to a cure.  I am ready to take action. 

I am really trying not to judge, and I am positive that these groups do help and give people the support they need.  However, when do you finally say "Okay, enough, it is time to get off my ass, stop complaining, and do something for myself, help myself"?. 

I have attended a few meetings, not alot, call me a snob, could care less.  I just can not sit around and listen to the same complaints, the same symptoms, the same depressing thoughts that I already feel.  Great you have someone who knows you are not faking the pain, not acting tired.  Fantastic you have someone who relates to you, we all need that.  Continually going to these groups does it really help with the depression, does it help with the lack of will to do anything, or does it feed into it?  From what I have seen, it feeds into it.  Honestly, How can it not?  If you go into a room of people who are depressed, it is bound to affect you.

I am no better than anyone else.  I am just wondering, do Support Groups always help, or do they feed into our symptoms?


Yesterday, I had the most amazing time with my children.  I had a small family BBQ to celebrate how great they did in school this year. 

When you are preparing for a BBQ, or small get together there are a hundred small things to do.  I was happy to do them all, from food prep to water balloons to decorating to involving my children so they felt it was about them. 

It was all worth it, everyone enjoyed themselves.  Good simple food, 2 water fights (I found out I can still hop a fence and run fast when someone is chasing me), and great conversation. 

This morning I woke up and it was difficult to get out of bed.  I knew that it would catch up to me, but I still have things to do, and still want to accomplish certain tasks for the day, especially before the kids wake up.

I have uploaded pictures, I have emailed numerous people, assisted family members, and worked on research for things I want to start.  I have accomplished more than I thought in two  hours, and am very proud of myself.

Whether you accomplish one or two things, just do it.  We can always use the excuse I hurt, or I am tired, or I need to rest.  Fight the feeling, there are better days than others, use those days, and do something you want to accomplish.