Wednesday, August 3, 2011


I have been doing amazing with controlling my Fibro.  Today it is raining, and besides the fact that I am tired (2 kids will do that alone), I was able to get up and get moving. 

Lately I have been having a few stomach issues that are not related to Fibro.  The pain has stopped me from eating, and when I do try to eat something small I am fatigued right away.  That is not important, anyways i have had an ultrasound done and they are waiting for the results.  I have spoken to my doctor and it can be anything from scar tissue issues from my previous surgeries, or previous drug intake (from the prescription drugs dealing with Fibro), to just a fluke.

I have mentioned drugs and my problems with them previously.  My recent issues have made me think again about what the drugs can do to your body, and this has made me want to remind everyone to make sure that everyone is educated in their choices with prescription drugs and Fibro.  I have heard doctors tell me about possible side effects when you are taking the drug, but what is the side effect for taking the drug on a long term basis.  Has a doctor ever told you what could happen to your kidneys, liver, or your system period if you are on the drug for a long period of time?

I understand that you are sometimes in so much pain, discomfort that you will try anything.  If it works great, but what happens 40 years from now. 

The majority of the prescriptions for Fibro patients have not been on the market long enough to see the long term effects.  Some of the drugs are only conditionally approved. 

We really need to start taking responsibility, and holding our doctors responsible for telling us the effects now and the effects that could happen in the future.

You are in pain now, what are you going to feel when your body can no longer clean the drugs out of your system (especially narcotics), or start to negatively affecting your body?

Please just question, and question the doctors answers.

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