Thursday, August 4, 2011

I Hope It Is Not Just Me

I am hoping that it is not just me.

I am an absolute clutz, hurting myself without knowing how.  If I am moving, there is a 100% chance that I can hurt myself.  I am the one who walks into walls, and people just ignore it now. 

I have hurt my wrist, but I have gotten so used to pain that I just ignore it most of the time, any kind of pain I ignore.

So the question is, are we really hurt, or is it the Fibro overreacting to a simple bruise?

Have you ever wondered?  When do we need to go to the doctor right away, or when should we wait and see if it is actually serious or not?  

Confusing, we are oversensitive to pain, but we learn to deal and our pain threshold increases constantly to compensate, but does that mean we ignore something like a sprain, or a fracture?  

In the past I have ignored a fractured ankle, thinking it is the Fibro.  I walked on it, carried my children, ran, did all the wonderful things you are not supposed to do, and found out years later it was actually fractured.  All because I have a high pain threshold and have learned to ignore the pain.  

Pain tells us when there is something wrong with our body.  All we know is pain, so how do we know it is the Fibro or there is something wrong with our body? 

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