Monday, July 4, 2011

Support Groups

I have had the great pleasure of speaking with a few support groups that are not Canadian based. 

It seems that some support groups, not all, have taken the attitude that I am trying to adopt.  What is this attitude?  Stop the complaining, Get up and GO!

Groups do activities, bike rides, raise money and awareness for Fibromyalgia on an ongoing, daily basis. 

I am aware that there are a few groups in Canada and even fewer in my surrounding area that does bring awareness to our wonderful symptom, disease, syndrome, whatever you would like to call it.  However, I have contacted no fewer than 21 support groups in the immediate area, general area, and a distance of 100km surrounding the city I live in.  I have contacted over 50 across Ontario, and 100 across Canada.  Not one support group, has a group specifically designated for the individuals in our support system, and about a handful across Canada have an exercise based group.  None of these in Ontario.  I could have just contacted the wrong ones, I am sure I did not contact them all. 

Every support group was welcoming and suggested that I do come to a meeting, to sit, discuss how I feel, and to gather more information.  I appreciate every offer.  However, I am tired of discussing how I feel, I am tired of researching what is happening to my body, unless you have new research that has a sliver of hope that leads to a cure.  I am ready to take action. 

I am really trying not to judge, and I am positive that these groups do help and give people the support they need.  However, when do you finally say "Okay, enough, it is time to get off my ass, stop complaining, and do something for myself, help myself"?. 

I have attended a few meetings, not alot, call me a snob, could care less.  I just can not sit around and listen to the same complaints, the same symptoms, the same depressing thoughts that I already feel.  Great you have someone who knows you are not faking the pain, not acting tired.  Fantastic you have someone who relates to you, we all need that.  Continually going to these groups does it really help with the depression, does it help with the lack of will to do anything, or does it feed into it?  From what I have seen, it feeds into it.  Honestly, How can it not?  If you go into a room of people who are depressed, it is bound to affect you.

I am no better than anyone else.  I am just wondering, do Support Groups always help, or do they feed into our symptoms?

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