Thursday, January 27, 2011

Benefits For Children?

Yesterday I spoke of the downside of having a sick mom and what it does to my children and yours.  With every negative there is a positive.

My children are completely opposite, but I definitely see some similarities and believe (can be my own reality) that it is from having to deal with sickness.

My son is more so sensitive than my daughter.  Always concerned about pleasing people and not hurting people feelings.  My daughter is more of I can't please everyone, so I am not going to try to.  But they are both more aware of each other, and the other people around them and are compassionate, caring, nurturing, and giving.

When someone is ill, injured or just not having a great day they are the first to be there and ask if they can help, make you a card, or give a hug and say "I love you".  They are willing to help out around the house, or make breakfast in bed.  I know it sounds like I am bragging, really I'm not.  I just wonder would they be like this if I wasn't lucky enough to have Fibromyalgia.  Would they have that willingness, or awareness if they were not surrounded by it?

I have spoken to  a lot of mothers who have Chronic Pain/Fibro, not so many single mothers.  And the majority of the mothers have said they notice their children are the same.  

Is this one of the benefits, or am I looking for it to be to ease some of my guilt?   

Laugh Lots

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