Monday, January 31, 2011

Medication & Children

It is almost as if the doctors want to medicate you to shut you up.  If you are in enough of a daze then you are unable to question them.  Or they beat you down that you finally just get fed up and give up.  I have done that before and had to take a summer off from all of the doctors all medications and anything that was medical related and gather myself together.  By the time you have found a doctor that believes you and will listen and work with you, you are too tired and the fight is out of you.

My question to a doctor evertime they try to prescribe me a medication (I am currently not any except vitamins)

"How is it going to affect my children?"

Every time (except my regular doctor) the doctor looks at me with a questionable look, and then proceeds to say

"I don't understand you"

And I say to them

"How is it going to affect my children?  Am I going to be able to take it when I have my children?  Am I going to be able to wake up if my son has an Asthma attack in the middle of the night?  Am I going to be dazed?  Is my reaction time going to be slower?"

And every time the doctor says

"If it helps does it matter"

Are these doctors out of their mind.  Yes it does matter, if I am unable to take care of my children why would I want to take the medication.  If my son has an Asthma attack (which is very possible) and I cant wake up then what will happen.  Even on the less serious side if one of my children has a nightmare and I cant come and give them a hug, that is not the type of mom I want to be.  A mother has to be aware and alert at all times, and be able to do things without the hindrance of medication, especially a single mother. 

Do doctors even think about what happens when you take that pill.  The pill may do what they prescribed it for, but what about the side affects and what it does to what you are capable of doing. 

Please everyone, before taking a medication please, please, please research the medication first.  The medication may make you capable of doing less than prior to the medication, or the side effects may out way the benefits.  The side effects do not just happen to you, they happen to all those around you as well.

Comments welcome

Laugh lots

1 comment:

  1. AMEN to "research medications" and "side effects don't just happen to you, they happen to all those around you as well." Well said.
