Friday, January 7, 2011

What Do You Do

 The first real snowfall of the year, YEAH.  I am one those freaks that everyone complains about that loves the snow, the more it snows the happier I get.  Skating, snowboarding, sledding, snowball fights, snowman building, ice sculptures, winter festivals, and yes even SHOVELLING I love it all. 

When I had kids I couldnt wait until they were old enough to do all the activities with me.  Now they are old enough, but what do you do when your doctors, and your body tells you NO.  When your two kids come to you and say "Mommy mommy lets play outside" the last thing you want to say is "No mommys sick".

Fibromyalgia takes away your life the way you knew it.  Every aspect of your life is touched by it, and not in a positive way.  Now it wants to take away the memories I dreamed of making with my children.  It is frustrating and makes me so angry, that something, a disease, is trying to take a precious experience away from me.  For years I have listened to doctors and it has not gotten me one ounce better, healthier, or more funtional, in fact I have actually done the opposite. 

You know what now I am going to stop listening to all those people who say you cant do this, you cant do that, you need to rest as much as you can.  No one is going to take anymore experiences, memories away from me.

This does not mean I am going to be an absolute idiot, and not take care of myself.  Sorry, I know me, at times I will ignore the warning signs and be an idiot and fool, whatever you want to call it.  But tomorrow I am going to build a snowman with my children, have a snowball fight with my daughter and son, and then come inside make enough snacks that will fill us for hours, and sit on the couch with my kids and watch movies.  I am making the memories and after I am going to be a couch potato and rest.  I get the rest and more importantly I get the MEMORIES.

Now tell me am I a fool for doing this, or do you have any other ideas, or comments let me know.

Laugh lots.

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